
Feeling Stressed? Meet CALMaluma™: The Plant-Powered Answer to Anxiety and Cravings

Hillsborough County, FL (February 19, 2024) – Feeling overwhelmed by daily pressures and battling unhealthy snacking habits? Look no further than CALMaluma™, a revolutionary ingredient derived from the ancient Indian plant Caralluma Fimbriata, poised to be the next big name in natural stress management and mindful eating.

Nature’s Tranquility in a Standardized Extract:

CALMaluma™ isn’t your average herbal extract. Through Gencor’s proprietary extraction process, the essential bioactive compounds of Caralluma Fimbriata are captured, delivering a potent, standardized solution for modern anxieties. This translates to consistent results and quality you can trust.

The Science Behind the Calm:

Studies suggest CALMaluma™ works by influencing the hypothalamus, a key brain region regulating stress response and appetite. Supporting healthy serotonin levels helps combat anxious feelings and promotes satiety, potentially leading to reduced cravings and healthier eating habits.

But Why CALMaluma™?

In a crowded market of stress-relief solutions, CALMaluma™ stands out for its unique features:

  • Clinically Researched: Studies published in respected journals like “Phytomedicine” and “Pharmacognosy Magazine” demonstrate its safety and potential effectiveness.
  • Highly Adaptable: As a water-soluble powder, it seamlessly integrates into various food and beverage applications, from smoothies and teas to chocolates and tablets.
  • Multi-Faceted Benefits: It addresses anxiety and supports mindful eating, making it a well-rounded solution for overall well-being.

Ready to Experience the CALMaluma™ Difference?

CALMaluma™ has become a leader in the natural wellness industry. As consumers increasingly seek plant-based solutions for stress management and mindful eating, this innovative ingredient offers a powerful and versatile option.

Stay tuned for further information on how CALMaluma™ can be incorporated into your favorite products and brands!

Let us help you find supplements featuring this amazing ingredient, and be sure to visit our CALMaluma™ ingredient page.

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The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These ingredients are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. BEFORE making any health-related decisions, including changes to diet, supplementation, or lifestyle, consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

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