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Patent awarded to Gencor for fenugreek extract’s support of sexual function

Gencor Pacific, headquartered in Irvine, CA, has been granted a U.S. patent (US 10,576,118 B2) for their fenugreek extract, Testofen. This extract is standardized to contain a minimum of 50% Fenuside. The patent specifically focuses on enhancing sexual function, mitigating the decline of sexual hormones, and enhancing hormonal levels in aging males who are otherwise healthy. Chase Shryoc, Gencor’s vice president of sales, highlighted the company’s substantial investment in clinically validating Testofen. Securing this patent reinforces their dedication and intellectual property supporting this high-quality fenugreek extract.

Shryoc mentioned, “Testofen serves as an ideal ingredient for formulating products that promote healthy sexual function and performance.” Multiple double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness and safety of Testofen. The most recent trial, published recently, revealed that supplementing with Testofen notably decreased body fat, increased muscle mass, and raised testosterone levels.

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