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AstaPure® by Algatech

AstraPure® is a natural ingredient derived from astragalus root. It supports immune health, enhances vitality, and reduces stress with its unique bioactive astragalosides, promoting overall well-being and resilience.

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AstaPure® is a premium natural astaxanthin derived from Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae. Packed with potent antioxidant properties, it promotes skin resilience, supports eye health, and enhances cardiovascular well-being. AstaPure® is commonly utilized as an ingredient in dietary supplements and functional foods, providing consumers with an easy and convenient way to access the numerous benefits of astaxanthin.

Product Highlights

AstaPure® by Algatech is a natural astaxanthin product known for its strong antioxidant properties. The most notable benefits associated with AstaPure® supplementation include:


  • Support for Skin Health: Astaxanthin is recognized for its potential to support skin health, protect against UV damage, and promote a healthy complexion.
  • Eye Health Benefits: Its antioxidant properties benefit eye health, potentially supporting vision and protecting against age-related eye conditions.
  • Fertility Support: Astaxanthin is suggested to positively affect male fertility, improving sperm health.
  • Immune System Support: The supplement is believed to enhance the immune system’s functioning, thanks to its antioxidative capacity.
  • Brain Health: Astaxanthin’s potential to cross the blood-brain barrier allows it to support cognitive functions and overall brain health.
  • Cardiovascular Health: It may contribute to heart health by improving blood flow and reducing oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system.

AstaPure®’s benefits are linked to its ability to balance oxidation processes in the body, which is crucial for preventing excessive oxidative stress, contributing to various diseases and disorders.

AstaPure® by Algatech: Utilization and Dosage




  • Timing of Consumption: There are no specific guidelines about the best time of day to take AstaPure®. Consistency is key to effectiveness.
  • With or Without Food: AstaPure® is lipophilic, which absorbs better with dietary fats. Therefore, it’s recommended to take it with food for optimal absorption.
  • On an Empty Stomach: Given its lipophilic nature, taking AstaPure® on an empty stomach is not recommended.



  • Product-Specific Dosages: AstaPure® is available in various forms like oleoresins, beadlets, soft gels, and gummies. The dosage can vary based on the product form and concentration of astaxanthin.
  • Standard Concentrations: Products might contain astaxanthin in concentrations like 5%, 10%, and 20% for oleoresins, and typical soft gel dosages include 4mg, 8mg, and 12mg. This ingredient is usually part of a formula, and the dosage range can vary. We are reaching out to the manufacturer to get more specific information.

Important Considerations:


  • Consultation with a Healthcare Provider: As with any supplement, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before starting AstaPure®, especially if you have specific health conditions or dietary requirements.
  • Adherence to Instructions: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on the product label for dosage and use.
  • Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice.

Before using AstaPure®, it is advised to consult with a healthcare provider, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, have any medical conditions or are taking prescription medications. Those with allergies should check the ingredient list carefully. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and seek medical advice. Do not exceed the recommended dose. AstaPure® is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18. Be aware of potential interactions with other medications. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Store AstaPure® in a cool, dry place and keep it out of reach of children. Always follow the usage guidelines on the product label for optimal results.

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Content on GenMag™ is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical or medical condition. While our articles may cover a variety of topics, including specialty ingredients that may potentially support various health goals, they are not a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits. We strongly recommend consulting a healthcare professional before taking any health supplement or starting an exercise program, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or take medication. Certain supplements may interact with medications and pose health risks.

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The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These ingredients are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. BEFORE making any health-related decisions, including changes to diet, supplementation, or lifestyle, consult with a qualified healthcare professional.