

ModCarb® by FutureCeuticals

ModCarb® is an organic breakthrough in vegan nutrition consisting of a complex blend of amaranth, buckwheat, chia , millet, oats, and quinoa

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ModCarb® by FutureCeuticals

ModCarb® is an organic breakthrough in vegan nutrition consisting of a complex blend of amaranth, buckwheat, chia , millet, oats, and quinoa

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ModCarb® may be a revolutionary blend of nutrient-packed whole grains. This proprietary “Modified Carbohydrates” mix delivers sustained energy with a low glycemic index.  It promotes better blood sugar management and balanced nutrition. ModCarb® is ideal for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and health-conscious individuals seeking lasting vitality without energy crashes.

Primary Benefits

ModCarb supplementation benefits a wide range of individuals seeking to increase energy, improve athletic performance, and glucose management. Athletes seeking endurance support and individuals aiming for appetite control and digestive health can find value in ModCarb. It benefits heart health and overall well-being by providing consistent, long-lasting vitality. Before use, consider consulting with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to tailor your ModCarb intake to your specific health and fitness goals.

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To the best of our knowledge, this ingredient does not contain, nor is manufactured with, any animal products or materials of animal origin.

K = Keto
To the best of our knowledge, this ingredient is considered Keto friendly.

To the best of our knowledge, this ingredient does not contain, nor is manufactured with, any GMO material.

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The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These ingredients are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. BEFORE making any health-related decisions, including changes to diet, supplementation, or lifestyle, consult with a qualified healthcare professional.