
Discover Why KSM-66® is a Must-Have Ingredient for Stress Management and Cognitive Health Products

Riverview, Florida, January 4th, 2024, GenMag™ is excited to introduce KSM-66®, believed to be the most celebrated and researched brand of ashwagandha extract known for using only the root of the ashwagandha plant. This fact distinguishes KSM-66® as unique among its competitors. 

The primary reason why KSM-66® uses only the root is because it contains the highest concentration of bioactive compounds, including withanolides. These withanolides are the primary active compounds responsible for many of ashwagandha’s potential health benefits, such as stress reduction and improved cognitive function. By using only the root, KSM-66® aims to provide a standardized and potent form of ashwagandha extract, ensuring consistent quality and effectiveness in their products. This focus on the root also aligns with traditional Ayurvedic practices, where the ashwagandha root is typically emphasized for its medicinal properties. 

KSM-66® is widely acknowledged as a top-tier brand of ashwagandha in the dietary supplement and nutraceutical industry for several key reasons. 

  • It sets high standards for quality control, employing a proprietary extraction process to preserve the plant’s natural potency. 
  • Extensive clinical research supports its efficacy in areas such as stress management and cognitive function. 
  • KSM-66® is standardized for specific bioactive compounds, ensuring consistent potency. 
  • Its commitment to purity, sustainability, and compliance with regulations further solidifies its reputation. 

This brand enjoys global recognition and consumer trust, making it a preferred choice for those seeking high-quality ashwagandha supplements. If you’re looking for dietary supplements in the stress management and cognitive health space, products featuring KSM-66® are a reliable and reputable choice to consider for enhancing your well-being.

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The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These ingredients are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. BEFORE making any health-related decisions, including changes to diet, supplementation, or lifestyle, consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

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