
Anthocyanin Content of Maqui Berries

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Anthocyanin Content

The anthocyanin content of maqui berries and various other fruits is of great importance. Recently we looked into the anthocyanin content of freshly harvested maqui berries and found conflicting information. One online source claimed that the anthocyanin of maqui berries content was as high as 14.2% of dry weight, while another study found an average of approximately 0.72% of fresh weight.

The disparity was quite significant so we reached out to our friend, Mr. Claudio Rabuco of the MNL Group, a Chilean company that markets the industry’s premier maqui berry extract “Delphinol.” Since he specializes in all things maqui berry, we asked him to set the record straight. He gave the following response.

Setting the Record Straight

According to Mr. Claudio Rabuco, the anthocyanin content in fresh maqui fruit can vary greatly, ranging from 0.2% to 2% depending on the quality of the plants and their maturity at harvest. He noted that this can lead to a significant difference in content. He also stated that while the second set of numbers (0.72%) is within an acceptable range, he finds it highly unlikely that the dry fruit would reach the higher percentage.

It’s worth noting, that in his response, Claudio Rabuco emphasized that the anthocyanin content of maqui berries can vary quite significantly based on factors such as the specific cultivar, the growing conditions, and the ripeness of the berries.  These factors greatly impact the effectiveness of the materials used in the supplements we buy and rarely are they contacting points.

Harvesting Conditions Affect Potency

It should be concerning that most products on the market do not mention these points, despite their significant impact on the potency of the products we ultimately purchase. As a conscientious consumer, details about harvesting processes should be part of our pre-purchase research. Buyer beware!

Final Thoughts

Once you find what you consider to be a good source of maqui berries you should compare it to products that contain Delphinol known for its ridiculously high concentration of anthocyanins and delphinidins. Remember this: when shopping for an antioxidant you will want to determine the concentration of anthocyanins in that product to help you make your buying decision.

Lastly, it is recommended that you start expanding your knowledge about anthocyanins and their significance to you by referring to the article titled “Are Anthocyanins Important to Me?

Leave us a comment below! Maqui berries are not sold in the U.S. which is why we don’t hear about them so prior to this article how much experience did you have with maqui berries?

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